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ST3390N, ST3655N
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SCSI Interface Drive
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Installation Guide
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ST3390N, ST3655N Installation Guide, Rev. A
Read before you begin...
Application. Your drive is designed for IBM AT and compatible
personal computers, Sun, Macintosh and other SCSI systems.
Turn off the system power before attempting any installation.
Static discharge. Observe the following precautions:
Keep the drive in its static-shielded bag until you are ready to
complete the installation. Do not attach any cablesto the drive
while it is in its static-shielded bag.
Handle the drive by its edges or frame.
Do not touch the I/O connector pins or the circuit board.
Before handling any components, put on a grounded wrist
strap, or ground yourself frequently by touching the metal
chassis of a computer that is plugged into a grounded outlet.
Use antistatic padding on all work surfaces.
Avoid static-inducing carpeted areas.
Drive handling. The drive is extremely fragile—handle it with
care. Do not attach labels to any part of the drive.
Inspection. Once you are familiar with the handling precautions
listed above, inspect the drive. If it appears to be damaged, call
your distributor or dealer immediately.
Warranty. See your authorized Seagate distributor or dealer.
Maintenance and repair. Seagate drives do not require mainte-
nance. The head/disc assembly is sealed; if you break the seal,
you void the warranty. Seagate customer service centers are the
only facilities authorized to repair Seagate drives. Seagate does
not sanction any third-party repair facilities.
Shipping. Keep your original box and packing materials for
transporting or shipping your drive. The box has a Seagate
Approved Package label. Shipping a drive in a nonapproved
container voids the warranty. Call your authorized Seagate dis-
tributor to purchase additional boxes.
ST3390N, ST3655N Installation Guide, Rev. A
Radio and television interference. This product complies with
ClassB limitsfor radionoiseemissionsfrom computerequipment
as set out in the radio interference regulations of the Canadian
Department of Communications.
Le présent appareil numérique n′émet pas de bruits radioélectriques
depassant les limites applicable aux appareils numériques de Classe B
prescrites dans le règlement sur le brouillage radioélectrique edicté par
le Ministère des Communications du Canada.
1. Das Gerrät ist ein Einbaugerät, das für eine maximale Umegebung-
stemperatur von 55°C vorgesehen ist.
2. Zur Befestigung des Laufwerks werden 3 Schrauben 6-32 UNC-2A
benötigt. Bei seitlicher Befestigung darf die maximale Länge der
Schrauben im Chassis nicht mehr als 3,3 mm und bei Befestigung an
der Unterseite nicht mehr als 5,08 mm betragen.
3. Als Versorgungsspannugen werden benötigt:
+5V ± 5% 0,5A
+12V ± 5% 0,5A (1,9A fur ca. 30 Sek. fur ± 10%)
4. Die Versorgungsspannung muβ SELV entsprechen.
5. Alle Arbeiten dürfen nur von ausgebildetem Servicepersonal durchge-
führt werden.
6. Der Einbau des Drives muβ den Anforderungen gemäβ DIN IEC
950V DC 0805/05.90 entsprechen.
Configuring the drive
Select the appropriate drive features by installing or removing
jumpers on the drive circuit board according to the instructions in
Figure 1 on page 6 and Figure 2 on page 7. Refer to your host
adapter documentation for terminator specifications and configu-
ration instructions.
1. Setting the SCSI ID. Each device on the bus must have a
unique SCSI ID. If you are installing only one drive, use SCSI
ID 0 (no jumper installed). If you install a second drive, you
can use any ID (SCSI ID 1 is recommended). SCSI ID 7 is
usually reserved for the SCSI host adapter. To set the
ST3390N, ST3655N Installation Guide, Rev. A
SCSI ID, install jumpers on the SCSI ID jumper block as
shown in Figure 1 on page 6.
2. Installing or removing terminating resistors. SCSI I/O
termination consists of three resistor packs, called termina-
tors, that plug into sockets on the printed circuit board. The
terminating resistors are shown in Figure 1.
If you are installing only one drive, leave the terminators
installed. If you are installing multiple drives, remove the
terminators from all drives except the drive connected to the
end of the cable.
3. Installing jumpers on the terminator power source jumper
block. If youremovedtheterminatingresistors instep2, install
a jumper on pins 2 and 4 of the terminator power source
jumper block shown in Figure 1.
Note. Installing a jumper on pins 2 and 4 of the terminator
power source jumper block does not disconnect the
terminating resistors from the circuit. If your application
requiresno terminatingresistors, youmust unplugthem
from the drive circuit board as discussed in step 2.
To select the drive power connector as the termination power
source for the resistor packs, install a jumper on pins 1 and 3
of the terminator power source jumper block.
To select the SCSIconnectoras the termination powersource
for the resistor packs, install a jumper on pins 1 and 2 of the
terminator power source jumper block.
To provide terminator power to the SCSI connector from the
drive power connector only, install a jumper on pins 3 and 4
of the terminator power source jumper block.
To provide terminator power to the SCSI connector and the
drive terminator packs, install jumpers on pins 1 and 2 and
pins 3 and 4 of the terminator power source jumper block.
ST3390N, ST3655N Installation Guide, Rev. A
4. Installing jumpers on the active/passive termination
jumper block. If you removed the terminating resistors from
the drive according to the instructions in step 2, skip this step.
If you are either:
• using Fast SCSI transfer rates, or
• not using Fast SCSI transfer rates, and both ends of the I/O
cable are terminated by resistors of equal value,
use active termination by installing a jumper on pins 1 and 2
of the active/passive termination jumper block, as specified in
the following table.
Active or passive
110 ohms
110 ohms or
220/330 ohms
Pins 1 and 2
Pins 2 and 4
Pins 5 and 6
Install active/passive Pins 1 and 2
termination jumpers
If the host adaptercontains220/330-ohm resistors thatcannot
beremovedandreplaced with 110-ohmresistors, set thedrive
termination power to 220/330 ohms. Remove the jumper from
pins 1 and 2 and install jumpers on pins 2 and 4 and pins 5
and 6 of the active/passive termination jumper block. Then,
replace the 110-ohm terminators provided with the drive with
220/330-ohm terminators.
ST3390N, ST3655N Installation Guide, Rev. A
Attaching cables
Refer to Figure 1 on page 6 and Figure 2 on page 7 for the
locations of the connectors and jumper blocks.
1. Turn off the system power.
2. Put on a grounded wrist strap.
3. Connecting a remote LED. Remote LED pins are located on
two separate jumper blocks: the options jumper block and the
user-configuration jumper block. Attach a two-pin remote LED
connector to either jumper block, as follows:
• User-configuration jumper block: pins 9 and 10
• Options jumper block: pins 7 and 8
4. Synchronizing drive spindles (disc arrays only). You can
synchronize the spindle motors of an array of drives by con-
necting a twisted pair to each drive. The maximum cable
length is 6 feet (1.8 meters).
Spindle synchronization pins are located on two separate
jumper blocks—the options jumper block and the user-con-
figuration jumper block. Use either jumper block to synchro-
nize an array of drives, as follows:
• User-configuration jumper block. Use one strand of the
twisted pair to connect together pin 7 of the user-configura-
tion jumper block of each drive. Use the other strand to
connect together pin 8 of the user-configuration jumper
block of each drive.
• Options jumper block. Use one strand of the twisted pair
to connect together pin 5 of the options jumper block of each
drive. Use the other strand to connect together pin 6 of the
options jumper block of each drive.
5. Attaching the power cable. Attach a system power cable to
the drive power connector.
ST3390N, ST3655N Installation Guide, Rev. A
(pin 1)
J4. Interface
connector (pin 1)
jumper block
J9. Active/passive
termination jumper block
Circuit board
+2.85V to 110 ohms
Power and ground to
220/330 ohms
J6. Terminator power
source jumper block
From SCSI connector
From power connector
To SCSI connector only
J3. DC power connector
Circuit board
From power connector
and to SCSI bus
+5V return
+12V return
Terminating resistors
not installed
Figure 1. Back view
ST3390N, ST3655N Installation Guide, Rev. A
J12. Options jumper block
J8. User-configuration jumper block
19 17 15 13 11
Circuit board
Circuit board
20 18 16 14 12 10
Pin Function
Pin Function
Parity enable
Remote start enable
Clock ground
External spindle sync.
Remote LED –
–6 Reserved.
Ext. spindle sync.
Clock ground
Remote LED +
10 Remote LED –
20 Reserved. Do not
Remote LED +
Figure 2. Front view
ST3390N, ST3655N Installation Guide, Rev. A
6. Attaching the 50-pin SCSI interface cable. Attach one end
of the cable to the drive interface connector and the other end
to the interface connector on the host system motherboard or
the host adapter. If you are installing multiple drives, use a
daisy-chain cable.
Verify that pin 1 of the interface cable is matched to pin 1 of
the interface connector on the drive and on the host. Pin 1 is
usually denoted by a stripe on the side of the ribbon cable.
The location of pin 1 of the drive interface connector is shown
in Figure 1 on page 6.
Mounting the drive
You can mount the drive in any orientation. Follow the guidelines
below for either bottom mounting or side mounting. Figure 3
shows the recommended mountingorientationsand the optimum
placement of mounting screws.
Caution. If you use a screw that is too long, you could damage
the drive. Do not insert the bottom mounting screws
more than 0.20 inches (6 turns) into the drive frame.
Do not insert the side mounting screws more than
0.13 inches (4 turns) into the drive frame.
Bottom mounting holes. Use 6-32 UNC-2A screws in three of
the four available bottom mounting holes as shown in Figure 3.
Side mounting holes. Use 6-32 UNC-2A screws in three of the
six available side mounting holes as shown in Figure 3.
ST3390N, ST3655N Installation Guide, Rev. A
Figure 3. Recommended mounting orientations
ST3390N, ST3655N Installation Guide, Rev. A
CMOS setup for AT systems
When you start up your drive for the first time, enter the CMOS
SETUP routine. This routine enables you to define a new drive in
thesystemBIOS. However, becausetheSCSIhostadapter BIOS
handles all I/O procedures, you should not attempt to define the
drive type in the system BIOS. Instead, set the CMOS, or system
setup, to drive type zero, or the no hard drive installed option.
Note. If you are installing your drive in an AT system and a hard
drive is not presently installed, the CMOS drive type is
already set to zero or the no hard drive installed option.
Physical geometry for non-DOS operating
When installing the drive in non-DOS operating systems, use the
following information to configure your host system:
Data cylinders
Spare cylinders
Read/write heads
Total sectors
Spindle speed (RPM)
Low-level formatting
Your drive was low-level formatted at the factory to 512 bytes per
sector. In most applications, you do not have to format it again.
However, you may need to low-level format the drive to make it
compatible with your SCSI host adapter or to change the inter-
leave. See your host adapter manual for details.
ST3390N, ST3655N Installation Guide, Rev. A
If you choose to low-level format yourdrive, usethe DOS DEBUG
utility. The most common DEBUGlow-level formatting command
is g=c800:5. Verify the BIOS address (c800) and the offset (5)
with your host adapter manual.
Caution. If you format a drive at any level, you erase all your
data. Back up the drive first. Seagate assumes no
liability if you destroy your data.
If you are usinga versionof DOS before Version4.0, the capacity
of your driveiseffectively limitedto roughly33Mbytes. Therefore,
you have to divide higher-capacity drives into individual logical
drives, called partitions. Each partition is assigned a different
letter, for example, C: and D: for a drive with two partitions.
Regardless of the DOS version you are using, you need to
preparethe drivebywritingpartitioninginformationonit. Afteryou
have configured the drive and defined it in the CMOS, boot the
system from the diskette drive with a bootable DOS diskette.
Then, runtheFDISKutility(DOS Version3.3orhigher) topartition
the drive. Make sure the primary partition is active. See yourDOS
manual for instructions.
Caution. If you partition or format a drive at any level, you erase
all your data. Back up the drive first. Seagate assumes
no liability for lost user data.
Many Unix-based operating systems allow you to partition the
drive for DOS applications. See your system manual.
High-level formatting
High-level formatting verifies the information written by the low-
levelformat and establishes drive access information used by the
operating system. High-level formatting creates the File Alloca-
tion Table used by DOS to access the drive.
ST3390N, ST3655N Installation Guide, Rev. A
To high-level format the drive, perform the following operations:
1. Use the FORMAT utility to high-level format the drive. Refer
to your DOS manual for the FORMAT command options.
2. If youareformattingtheboot drive, copythenecessarysystem
files to the drive.
In Unix, high-level formatting creates the i-node used for file
access information. Drive formatting and partitioning are both
performed by a single operating system utility. Refer to your Unix
system documentation for instructions.
Before you begin troubleshooting, read all the suggestions dis-
cussed in the followinglist; they resolve the majority of installation
Warning. Always turn off the system before changing jumpers or
unplugging cables and cards.
Verify compatibility. Reread the documentation for the host
adapter and the drive to confirm that these components are
appropriately matched to each other and to your computer.
Verify your configuration. Using the instructions in the drive
and host adapter installation guides, make sure all jumpers
are installed (or removed) to suit your application.
Check the power supply specifications. The output of your
power supply may not meet the requirements of the new
devices you are installing. If you are not sure whether your
power supply meets your needs, consult your dealer.
Check all cards. Make sure all cards are seated in their slots
on the motherboard; then, secure them with mountingscrews.
Verify the CMOS drive type. The CMOS drive type must be
set to zero in AT systems.
Check all cables. Make sure all cables are securely con-
nected. Ribbon cables are especially fragile. Make sure they
ST3390N, ST3655N Installation Guide, Rev. A
are not crimped or damaged in any way. Keepingextra cables
on hand for troubleshooting saves time and frustration.
For each ribboncable, verify that pin 1 of the cable is matched
to pin 1 of the connector. Pin 1 is usually denoted by a stripe
on the side of the ribbon cable.
Caution. Do not randomly reverse-plug the cables. This can
damage some systems.
When connecting the diskette drive, make sure you use a
control cable for a diskette drive and not a hard drive. Unlike
the hard drive cable,the diskette drive control cablehasseven
lines split and twisted.
Check the BIOS memory address. Make sure the address
you typed during DEBUG agrees with the address you se-
lected with the host adapter BIOS address selection jumper.
Assuming you have configured the host adapter correctly and
a memory conflict exists, the problem might be that the host
adapter is trying to use the same BIOS memory address as
another peripheral on your system. The easiest solution is to
try all possible BIOS addresses.
If the memory conflict persists, isolate the conflict by discon-
necting all other peripherals (except the video card) and
installing the drive and the host adapter separately from the
other components. Then, install the other peripherals one at
a time until the conflict resurfaces.
Once you have isolated the source of the address conflict, you
can resolve the conflict by either changing the BIOS address
of the peripheral that appears to cause the conflict, or by
changing the BIOS address of the host adapter.
Check for viruses. Before you load new software, scan the
diskette for viruses.
ST3390N, ST3655N Installation Guide, Rev. A
Before continuing, carefully read the preceding checklist. You
need to refer to the introductory material to effectively use the
following information.
The system does not recognize the presence of the drive or
system error message, “No Drives Found,” appears.
Check all cables.
Check all cards.
Check the BIOS memory address.
Check the drive type. In AT systems, the drive type must be
set to zero.
Check the drive and host adapter terminating resistors. See
“Configuring the drive” on page 2 and refer to your host
adapter documentation.
Check the terminator power source jumper settings and the
active/passive termination jumper settings described on
pages 3 and 4 respectively.
Check the power supply specifications.
Reboot and make sure the drive spins up. (It may be difficult
to hear the drive spin up.) If the drive does not spin up, check
all drive cables.
If you tried to install more than two hard drives or two diskette
drives, you may have installed more drives than your host
adapter can support. Check your host adapter documentation
for details.
System error message, “Drive not Ready,” appears.
Check all cables. For each ribbon cable, verify that pin 1 of the
cable is matched to pin 1 of the connector. Pin 1 is usually
denoted by a stripe on the side of the ribbon cable.
Check the power supply specifications.
ST3390N, ST3655N Installation Guide, Rev. A
Turn off the system and wait 20 seconds. Turn it back on and
make sure the drive spins up. If the drive does not spin up,
check the drive power cable.
The screen stays blank when you power up the system.
Make sure the monitor is plugged in and turned on.
Check all cards. Make sure the video card is seated in its slot
and secured with mounting screws.
Check all cables. Make sure the video card cables are se-
curely attached.
While the system is turned off, remove the drive host adapter.
If the screen turns on after you reboot, the host adapter may
be incompatible or defective. See your dealer.
The system hangs in FDISK or fails to create or save the
partition record.
Check all cables.
The DOS utilities diskette may be corrupted. Try your backup
DOS diskette.
If you version of DOS is 4.0 or older, make the drive partitions
Check for media defects at the beginning of the drive. Use a
third-party surface scan utility.
Check all cables.
Check the power supply specifications.
Make sure the drive spins up when you turn on the system.
Check the drive type. In AT systems, the drive type must be
set to zero.
Check for I/O address conflicts.
ST3390N, ST3655N Installation Guide, Rev. A
During the DOS high-level format, the drive keeps retrying
hard errors and reporting the following message. “Attempt-
ing to recover allocation units. . .”
This is normal with DOS Version 4.0 or later.
DOS messages, “Disk Boot Failure,” “Non-System Disk,” or
“No ROM Basic - SYSTEM HALTED,” appear.
Open the floppy door.
Check all cables.
Use the same version of DOS throughout your system.
Reinstall the DOS system files using the DOS SYS utility.
Make sure the primary partition is active in FDISK.
Check for viruses.
Technical support services
Always consult your system dealer first for technical support.
Dealers are generally more familiar with unique system configu-
Technical support is available for all Seagate products by calling
the SeaFAX , Seagate Technical Support FAX, SeaFONE ,
SeaBOARD and SeaTDD services.
SeaFAX. 408/438-2620
You can use a touch-tone telephone to access Seagate’s
automated FAX system to receive technical support informa-
tion by return FAX. This service is available 24 hours daily.
Seagate Technical Support FAX. 408/438-8137
You can FAX questions or comments to technical support
specialists 24 hours daily. Responses are sent between
8:00 A.M. and 5:00 P.M. (Pacific time), Monday through Friday.
ST3390N, ST3655N Installation Guide, Rev. A
SeaFONE. 408/438-8222
You can talk to a technical support specialist between
8:00 A.M. and 5:00 P.M. (Pacific time), Monday through Friday.
SeaFONE provides recorded technical information on
selected Seagate products while you are on hold. You can
access the recordings 24 hours daily.Before calling,note your
system configuration and drive model number (STxxxx).
Using a modem, you can:
• Access documentation, drive specifications and jumper set-
tings for Seagate’s entire product line.
• Download software for installing and analyzing your drive.
• Request a return phone call from the technical support staff.
SeaBoard is available 24 hours daily. It supports communica-
tions up to 9600 baud. Set your communications software to
eightdata bits, no parity, and one stop bit (8-N-1). SeaBOARD
phone numbers are listed in the following table.
United States
Modem number
33-1-40 67 10 34
SeaTDD. 408/438-5382
Using a TDD (telecommunications device for the deaf), you
cansendquestions or comments24hours dailyandexchange
messages with a technical support specialist between
8:00 A.M. and 5:00 P.M. (Pacific time), Monday through Friday.
Seagate Technology, Inc.
920 Disc Drive, Scotts Valley, CA 95066, USA
Publication Number: 36235-001, Rev. A, Printed in USA
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